Club Records

If you believe you have a club record that isn’t listed, have reason to claim an existing one or can see that one is missing that should be yours – please contact us with as much of the following detail as possible

  • Competitor Name
  • Competitor Gender
  • Date Achieved
  • Age Group
  • Time/Distance/Score
  • Event Name
  • Event Venue
  • Evidence to support claim (official results link/document)

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U13 Boys Updated 17.07.23, 25.06.23

U15 Boys

U17 Men

U20 Men

Senior Men

U13 Girls updated 26.07.22, 24.05.22

U15 Girls updated 29.05.24, 21.05.24, 10.05.23

U17 Women updated 15.06.22, 09.06.22

U20 Women updated 20.06.23

Senior Women